Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Give me motivation


A sudden realization.
A sudden jerk back to reality.
I've been making empty promises to myself.
I said I'll study.
I said I'm motivated,
But am I really?

I want to produce results,
But I don't put effort in.
I want to study,
But laziness set itself in.

So much has been said.
So much to be done.
So much to revise.
So little time.

What do I really want.
What am I supposed to do?

I want motivation.
I need motivation.
I feed on motivation.
I thrive on motivation.

With all those attention,
So much expectations.
I came into realization,
No more procrastination.
And now where's motivation?

Australia seems so far
Prizes seem so useless
Graduation lacks of attractiveness
Working is demotivating
ALL i smell is FREEDOM

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